Tuesday, September 20, 2011

5 Mini Game 2011


My mini game was not new to me but it seems to get me confused. But I would not say it was hard but it was confusing and I kept on misunderstanding the teacher but I know that it was not her fault so she says so, just joking! But i really enjoyed this process again. The best part was when , well the best part was nothing. If i had to choose the best part would be that i got to make a fresh start and learn the whole process again. The worst part was when i kept on getting confused.


  1. I agree with you Steven, there are somethings I didn't understand, but it was just confusing because of the summer. It was pretty nice to get a fresh start & start all over for a new year.

  2. Nice sense of humor and saying what was the worst part. I agree with you best part.

  3. Somethings were hard to understand and yes starting off with a brand new start is almost good. Being able to work with this project again and re-uploading the step to give our brains a re-freshment must be good. Yes getting confused is common when you forget or simply do not under stand so pay better attention in class and don't be afraid to ask for help.

  4. Nice Blog! I like it. It looks very proffesional. Not literally but it does give it a little of importance by the image you posted on there. I definitely agree with you. It is hard and confusing but once you've been helped you'll get the hang of it.

    Arlette :)
