The Koala
The koala is found in coast of eastern and southern Australia, from near to the southern part of Asia. Populations also extend for considerable distances inland in regions with enough moisture to support suitable weather. The koalas of were largely exterminated during the early part of Australia the 20Th century, but the state has since been repopulated with stock. The koala is not found in west Australia.The difference between a female and a male is that the female has a Mane and the male does not.The males can weigh up to 100 pounds and a female 90.They are herbivores so they only eat plants and grass.When the baby koala turns 1 there a adult.This picture has a mid aged male koala hanging on a tree in southern Australia.Personally I love and adore koala but the ugly ones scare me.
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OMG! Haha, the last sentence was so funny. You need to like the ugly ones too!