The movie was really interesting and I think that you should pay more attention to what the beautiful Earth we called home. Ocean warming
With the heavy emissions of Greenhouse gases that are entering the Earth’s atmosphere, a topic of great urgency is how the change in the climate will affect the ocean’s temperature. This topic has already gained notice from the public with the help of drowning polar bears and miles of ice sheets breaking off, however the problem is even more intricate than that.
Marine organisms need very specific conditions in order to survive in their environment. When the temperature changed even a little the entire ecosystem could be drastically affected. Take the case of coral reefs in the Caribbean. Just the slightest temperature increase could act as a stressor on the corals themselves as well as the organisms that inhabit the reef. This fragile ecosystem could crumble in a very short time.
What is also disconcerting is the potential for the sea level to rise globally. It has been predicted that the sea level will have risen by half a meter in most places around the world by 2100! This will impact the global coastlines in a way never before seen. Erosion will occur that will drastically change beaches and coastal development. Floods will occur more frequently in low lying area. Salt water could potentially infiltrate freshwater reservoirs that would stress the freshwater
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Steven.u. 4 2010
There are some game topic websites that I found on
I will beggin reserching the differnt game and social issues topics on the website that I linked for you it tells you how you can put and a educational and a world problem into your game and it can help you and give you ideas about what you want to do for you video game.
My four games there linked. There from the Yahoo website.
My description for the games.
I pick these website cause they really standout to me and i picked the big help for the continet Asia. They have a big problem with HIV. I picked the care website cause it hepls kid with fitness and to to thing in your community. It helps you with kids self esteam and the fitness. I picked the children for the usa cause it helps the poverty in america for the children. It also helps kid relize that you should be greatful for what you have. The city kids help you with kids giving back to the community and with self esteam.
The four games linked.There from the WIKI.
My description for the games.
I pick these games cause they all have meaning that have similarieties and they all have to do with the care and helping of people. They all have a spark that says something deep to me and they really have to do with the helping the children of the world. The suicide pact is to plan that you may be to die together, or separately and closely at the same time. They also have a suicide dome were people get in a dome shape as there nife and die. The next topic drug abuse. I think that drug abuse is bad to people sometimes they form a drug pact that means that they all get together and do drugs with each other and when they are done they start cutting them sevles. The next topic is child sex abuse i picked this one cause i know somebody that was sexualy abused ans when I herd that I wanted to help them. The other reason is that i want to be the person that can get them over there past. The next topic is teen pregnacy now that subject really gives me a big red flag in my head I want to be the reason to stop teen pregnacy. The next topic is smoking weed and I think that we have the power to make people to stop doing that cause is is bad for that certain body part. The next topic is child abuse i really want to focus on that cause i here alot of child abuse in the usa and mostly in the the thrid world countrys. The last topic is stealing the reason that i picke dthis is because when the people who do pick this they have no reason they know that they are going to caught so why do you do that. First it goes to stealing cookies then money then cars then diamonds so that is my blog.
I will beggin reserching the differnt game and social issues topics on the website that I linked for you it tells you how you can put and a educational and a world problem into your game and it can help you and give you ideas about what you want to do for you video game.
My four games there linked. There from the Yahoo website.
My description for the games.
I pick these website cause they really standout to me and i picked the big help for the continet Asia. They have a big problem with HIV. I picked the care website cause it hepls kid with fitness and to to thing in your community. It helps you with kids self esteam and the fitness. I picked the children for the usa cause it helps the poverty in america for the children. It also helps kid relize that you should be greatful for what you have. The city kids help you with kids giving back to the community and with self esteam.
The four games linked.There from the WIKI.
My description for the games.
I pick these games cause they all have meaning that have similarieties and they all have to do with the care and helping of people. They all have a spark that says something deep to me and they really have to do with the helping the children of the world. The suicide pact is to plan that you may be to die together, or separately and closely at the same time. They also have a suicide dome were people get in a dome shape as there nife and die. The next topic drug abuse. I think that drug abuse is bad to people sometimes they form a drug pact that means that they all get together and do drugs with each other and when they are done they start cutting them sevles. The next topic is child sex abuse i picked this one cause i know somebody that was sexualy abused ans when I herd that I wanted to help them. The other reason is that i want to be the person that can get them over there past. The next topic is teen pregnacy now that subject really gives me a big red flag in my head I want to be the reason to stop teen pregnacy. The next topic is smoking weed and I think that we have the power to make people to stop doing that cause is is bad for that certain body part. The next topic is child abuse i really want to focus on that cause i here alot of child abuse in the usa and mostly in the the thrid world countrys. The last topic is stealing the reason that i picke dthis is because when the people who do pick this they have no reason they know that they are going to caught so why do you do that. First it goes to stealing cookies then money then cars then diamonds so that is my blog.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Steven.u 3 2010
1. What are your thoughts now that you have seen this documentary? I feel that George Bush did havea big part in are global diaster but it is are fault to and we as a country can forget about what George Bush did and as a strong country we should come together and makes a difference to save are home which we call Earth.
2. What do you think about global warming? What I tink about global warming is that it is getting worse by the second cause people are throwing trash ever were and people are releaseing bad gases into to the air and that is not good for are plants and trees and animals.
3. What does the information you watched make you feel about the world and the global
warming? The information on the movie really does inform about the earth and what will happen if we keep on destroying are planet. It also makes me feel very scared cause some people dont know what is going to happen.
4. What can we do as a class or school to prevent the earths global warming and the earths
climate destruction? I think that as a class we can all meet up at someones house and have a meeting and come with an enviormental group that hepls the earth. As a school we should have a school club and meet after school and talk about having a enviormental group and we acan have a sponsor and the club can be called The green group.
2. What do you think about global warming? What I tink about global warming is that it is getting worse by the second cause people are throwing trash ever were and people are releaseing bad gases into to the air and that is not good for are plants and trees and animals.
3. What does the information you watched make you feel about the world and the global
warming? The information on the movie really does inform about the earth and what will happen if we keep on destroying are planet. It also makes me feel very scared cause some people dont know what is going to happen.
4. What can we do as a class or school to prevent the earths global warming and the earths
climate destruction? I think that as a class we can all meet up at someones house and have a meeting and come with an enviormental group that hepls the earth. As a school we should have a school club and meet after school and talk about having a enviormental group and we acan have a sponsor and the club can be called The green group.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Steven .U. 2 2010
I have alot of links to v\awsome science games that a educational purpose to the meaning of playing that type of game.Here they are one of the links that take you to a fun awsome science game.
...............................................................Science Links.......................................................................................... 1.
Those are the links to the awsome fun and educational games that I linked you to.
...............................................................Science Links.......................................................................................... 1.
Those are the links to the awsome fun and educational games that I linked you to.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Steven .u 1 2010

The Koala
The koala is found in coast of eastern and southern Australia, from near to the southern part of Asia. Populations also extend for considerable distances inland in regions with enough moisture to support suitable weather. The koalas of were largely exterminated during the early part of Australia the 20Th century, but the state has since been repopulated with stock. The koala is not found in west Australia.The difference between a female and a male is that the female has a Mane and the male does not.The males can weigh up to 100 pounds and a female 90.They are herbivores so they only eat plants and grass.When the baby koala turns 1 there a adult.This picture has a mid aged male koala hanging on a tree in southern Australia.Personally I love and adore koala but the ugly ones scare me.
Image Retrieved
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