1. What are your thoughts now that you have seen this documentary? I feel that George Bush did havea big part in are global diaster but it is are fault to and we as a country can forget about what George Bush did and as a strong country we should come together and makes a difference to save are home which we call Earth.
2. What do you think about global warming? What I tink about global warming is that it is getting worse by the second cause people are throwing trash ever were and people are releaseing bad gases into to the air and that is not good for are plants and trees and animals.
3. What does the information you watched make you feel about the world and the global
warming? The information on the movie really does inform about the earth and what will happen if we keep on destroying are planet. It also makes me feel very scared cause some people dont know what is going to happen.
4. What can we do as a class or school to prevent the earths global warming and the earths
climate destruction? I think that as a class we can all meet up at someones house and have a meeting and come with an enviormental group that hepls the earth. As a school we should have a school club and meet after school and talk about having a enviormental group and we acan have a sponsor and the club can be called The green group.
I love that idea. You can join the farm and garden group and we can also start a green club.