Tuesday, November 30, 2010

StevenU 14 2016

I retrived thia pic from Google.com
An interestng thing was when he was painting the town with one color and one stroke. I like the color scheme. I like the music it was really interesting. The way that it is so 3D and I thought that was really cool. I like the color and the way was spalshing all over the place. I like the noises that he was making it was like he was wimpering. I like that the way the wizzard did not sya anything and when he was painting the town with different colors.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Steven U 13 pt2 2010

Part 5
The Lake Guri is a large lake in Venezuela on the Caroni River. It is one of the largest dams in the world. Its official name is Central Hidroelectrica Simon Bolivar previously named Central Hidroelectrica Raul Leoni from 1978 to 2000. It is 1300 meters long and 162 meters high. Construction began in 1963 the first part concluded in 1978 and the second in 1986. Before the flood the whole entire land was a bunch of trees and plants. The forest is disappearing because of the predators and the people destroying them. In the forest there were a bunch of animals. Like a money that was called a shouter monkey. They were kings of the top of the trees. From one island to another island there are a group of people that are searching for more predators that might hurt them. The shouter monkeys are so packed together because there are not so many trees where they live in the forest. When Bob saw that the lake was being messed up he tried to fix up the lake himself.
The Jamaica reefs There are a number of biotic reef types, including oyster reefs, but the most massive and widely distributed are tropical coral reefs. Although corals are major contributors to the framework and bulk material comprising a coral reef, the organisms most responsible for reef growth against the constant assault from ocean waves are calcareous algae, especially, although not entirely, species of coralline algae.
These biotic reef types take on additional names depending upon how the reef lies in relation to the land, if any. Reef types include fringing reef, barrier reefs, as well as atolls. A fringing reef is a reef that is attached to an island. A barrier reef forms a calcareous barrier around an island resulting in a lagoon between the shore Land the reef. An atoll is a ring reef with no land present. The reef front ocean side is a high energy locale whereas the internal lagoon will be at a lower energy with fine grained sediments. There is a celebration that they celebrate cause of the fish and predators stake where asking can we live without them but we were asking can we live with them .
Part 6
Animals are have weired activity and some species are appearing out of no where.21st century scientist are trying to figure out what kind of chemical is making this happen. Researchers are wondering these strange things. biologist is searching a marsh that is underscored animals
investigators are trying to figure out what is going on this is happening around the world. The last decade trying to clean it up . 20 frog species are declining since the last ten years. The frogs that are from the Atrizine are mostly hermaphrodites. When the frog is made in a Atrizine it makes the male frog grow female body parts. It starts to develop ovary's and some eggs. This is about mostly a Leopard Frog.Once abundant in North America, their population has declined in recent years because of pollution and deforestation. Because of their heightened sensitivity to chemical pollutants found in the air and water, and they are commonly used as dissection specimens in biology classrooms. They were subject of some pioneering studies in evolutionary biology in the 20Th century, and continue to be of much interest to various disciplines of biology. Another scientist are studding the Beluga Whale. The whales travel in packs. Some thing a s scientist put a cell so that it can test there blood. The water is being contaminated. They think that it is the cancer that is being formed in the water. The river might be absorbed in there it in there skin or since its water what they eat it could have that. A lady is researching why the pollution is making the fish become more and more sick and they die. The water is contaminated with a chemical named mercury. It is the part of fish is by far the most source of the related mercury exposure in humans and animals, although plants and livestock also contain mercury of mercury from soil, water and atmosphere, and by injecting other mercury-containing organisms. Exposure to mercury can occur from breathing contaminated air; from eating foods containing mercury residues from processing, such as can occur with high-fructose corn syrup from exposure to mercury vapor in mercury amalgam dental restorations and from improper use or disposal of mercury and mercury-containing objects, for example, after spills of elemental mercury or improper disposal of fluorescent lamps. The whale and dolphin meat .Human generated sources such as coal plants emit approximately half of atmospheric mercury with natural sources such as volcanoes responsible for the remainder. An estimated two-thirds of human-generated mercury comes from stationary combustion, mostly of coal. Other important human-generated sources include gold production, non-ferrous metal production, cement production, waste disposal, human crematoria, caustic soda production, pig iron and steel production, mercury production mostly for batteries and burning. Small lonely gold mining operation workers are at higher risk of mercury poisoning because of crude processing methods. Such is the danger and similar workers known in neighboring in countries. While there are no official government estimates of the labor force, observers believe twenty thousand to fifty thousand work as chemicals . Mercury and its compounds are commonly used in chemical laboratories, hospitals, dental clinics, and facilities involved in the production of items such as fluorescent light bulbs, batteries, and explosives. 90 percent of the fish are contaminated that lake which is contaminated. Mercury is from the gas stations and the pollution form the cars and other motors from the gas pipes. From the bottom of the food chain is the one that is the most contaminated. They also look for plants to help this situation become better so that the fish will not die. Much of this water is from unknown ways. The great barriers dying is due to the fact that we are polluting the water and that is called water pollution. In the open ocean are dying caus of the pollution and the chemiclas. Killer whaales and sharks have pollution in there tissues.
They dont know what kind of chemicla is in the Molamola . The tags are reveling that they are being contaminated. They still are concluding all the caculations. 2BC.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Steven. U . 13 2010

''Strange Days on Planet Earth''
People are finding for plants and animals in places were they are not supposed to be at. Researchers are looking for rapid inseminates. Aliens are doing damage to are earth. Researchers say that they have hidden right under neath the earth. Some scientist go up and look for them over years they have found anonymous things. The creatures always restless with what it takes. Living things test boundaries .We are ahead pf noticing what is happening. The aliens have started to be on transports. We might be pushing are luck with what we do ,we spit a new species. Aliens have spreaded and destroying property in other places. The termites in New Orleans have been sneaky and laying low for a couple of years since 1960. The alligator attacks in the USA have increased. Lake Victoria in Africa is the most polluted in Africa . A scientist studys Lake Victoria for 10 years.You can also get a diasese from drinking bad muddy water. In 1992 the hydriantes got all dirty and flows in lake victoria.
Part 2
This part is about the animals and the poppulation is going down and how when the water is going bad and one animal gets sick then then alll the animals die or starve. Pepople were saying that weevlies are a joke but they are not they are destroying are planet. Hawwi is one of the most placec were the invasions are. But the public does not knowMarine organisms need very specific conditions in order to survive in their environment. When the temperature changed even a little the entire ecosystem could be drastically affected. Take the case of coral reefs in the Hawwi . Just the slightest temperature increase could act as a stressor on the corals themselves as well as the organisms that inhabit the reef. This fragile ecosystem could crumble in a very short time. The alien plant populations also extend for considerable distances inland in regions with enough moisture to support suitable weather. A scientist goes to where the plant is located and he test the plant. He is going to test the reflection in the light. This little plant is killing are forest. The nice plants is replaced cripple leaf monster called macomia. It is contained on the island the people are reaserching on the island. A group in South Africa have been studying the creature. If we canchange are ways the everything in the world can travle. Are thing is we are trying to figure out what will happen next.
Part 3
2001 scientist have tested the Earths atmoshere by burning wood and makeing a conculosion. It raised earth atmoshere by doing what we do. In 1997 there were a lot of caribus but now they are stugaling to survive it is hard for them. The atmosphere is and tempurture is increaseing and that might be a problem.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Steven u 12 2010

When I first saw this movie I was in shock. I was like we need to do something about this. We should stop the glaciers from melting and the Antarctica be warm. We need to make a group that can help us. Me and my friends should get a support group and help other people and people in other countries that don't know what is going on in are world. My thing is we should sell candy bars and use that money to get recycled paper markers and even recycled soap. Those things can make a difference. The movie was about how this man from 2055 comes and he is a geologist and he goes and finds these videos about the past and why he time of the earth is destroyed. The people think that In 2055 they will say that the glaciers will be completely melted. In hurricane Katrina over 20,000 people died in New Orleans. In the republic office George bush said that they are going to drop the global warming problem. In America there are some people that are wearing recycled shoes. In Nigeria there is not running clean water. In Nigeria there is a person lives off of 1 dollar. In Nigeria they believe that there government is not fair. In the big house they believe that the people in Jordan and Iraq and in the middle east they are very oil rich. In Nigeria they are very rich in oil but they government takes it. In Saudi Arabia they have a ski resort and the energy is left at a waste .In Nigeria they let out 24million trons a year. There is a family that calculates the amount of green house gages and its equal to a plane.
Then there this laddie in Africa and she needs college money so she buys oil but for half the price and then she sells it for more then the full price. There is this Indian guy and he owns a airplane company and he is trying to make his airplane better for his enviorment in his country and the whole world. So there is the same guy trying to destroy the green house gases and he is explaining that the are scarring him because they think what he is doing is hurting them when its really hurting the enviorment. There is this french guy and he makes a protest group to start riding bikes then using trucks. This retired enviorment specialist he start going to different polluted place so he can teach what he knows and what he has seen from going to the different places. Then they show a diagram that shows how much each Continent has to resources and by 2035 everybody will have equal resources and by 2065 everybody will have non equal resources. The ending was a big power point about what will happen in the next 20 years. I learned that we should be more careful What we do in are enviorment.

    Monday, October 25, 2010

    Steven u 11 2010

    My name is Steven Ugalde and my choosing a topic game is about the three games that you found would help you get ideas to start off your game. These games are made in flash. So they have to have a description on the how to make a flash game so that is another thing it helps you with to be able to start you flash games. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_lungs
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bone , that is what there about .early development of the Human
    Body. Some of the games I picked are http://play.clubpenguin.com/index.php?lang=en
    http://www.myglife.org/usa/tx/teacpawiki/index.php/Special:GlobaloriaGamesGallery/1 .
    Then after i was done we had to pick were we got are other websites and informational resources from. Mine are from Health.com Teen Health.com . Then I had to pick my News resources and websites to help you. They are http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032076/ns/health , . The one genre that I would choose to use for my own game Idea are Adventure. All this links and websites help me because it gives you information about what topic you picked and it tells you what is unique about it.

    Tuesday, October 12, 2010

    Steven u 10 2010

    BLC .Primate .http://www.primates.com/chimps/index.html
    2000-2007 .Date found : 10/11/10

    Facts For Kids http://www.factmonster.com/science.html
    2003-2010 Date Found : 10/11/10

    Science Kids Science for Kids http://sciencenewsforkids.org/pages/sciencefairzone/topics.asp
    2000-2010 10/11/10

    Venus Astronomy Kids http://www.compadre.org/
    2003-2010 10/13/10

    Thursday, October 7, 2010

    Steven u 9 2010

    Diving Cairns




    Found October 7,2010

    Steven . u 8 2010

    Cititng Your Sources
    Use the format below to add internet resources to a bibliography: Author title of website web address or URL copyright date date you found the information.

    Tuesday, October 5, 2010

    Steven u 7 2010

    The movie was really great it had a lot of information and i found out what the word poaching, and apprehension. The movie was also very sad and touching to me cause its hard when you see something that is struggling every one is going to help them no person that I know always wants to help people even the people that are homeless and that don't have a any money like when a homeless guy gave me ten bucks he saw that I was struggling cause my cousin did not have that much money do give us a buger but he was only 16 so you dont really see 16 year olds with that much money . The first topic was the ice cap some of the polar bears have to give up there homes and adaptation in order to survive. The polar bears are endangered and most of the bears in the world there are not that many species of those kind of bears. The next topic is the pollution in the jungle and all of the species are rare and the people at the jungles dont know about the conservation cycle. There are alot of natural resourses out the jungle and some of the thing that we do that makes our ecosystem bad is that we pollute the air and when we do that people get cancer and die so are human population is going bad. The scarce is very low in the jungles in Africa. That is the end of my story.

    Steven u 6 2010

    The two main topics that I would choose to focus on is Teenage Pregnacy and Teen suicide.

    I chose these videos cause they really stand out to me. The suicide pact is to plan that you may be to die together, or separately and closely at the same time. They also have a suicide dome were people get in a dome shape as there nife and die.The next topic is teen pregnacy now that subject really gives me a big red flag in my head I want to be the reason to stop teen pregnacy. They both have a good reason that can be stoped.


    Thursday, September 30, 2010

    Steven.u 5 2010

    The movie was really interesting and I think that you should pay more attention to what the beautiful Earth we called home. Ocean warming
    With the heavy emissions of Greenhouse gases that are entering the Earth’s atmosphere, a topic of great urgency is how the change in the climate will affect the ocean’s temperature. This topic has already gained notice from the public with the help of drowning polar bears and miles of ice sheets breaking off, however the problem is even more intricate than that.

    Marine organisms need very specific conditions in order to survive in their environment. When the temperature changed even a little the entire ecosystem could be drastically affected. Take the case of coral reefs in the Caribbean. Just the slightest temperature increase could act as a stressor on the corals themselves as well as the organisms that inhabit the reef. This fragile ecosystem could crumble in a very short time.

    What is also disconcerting is the potential for the sea level to rise globally. It has been predicted that the sea level will have risen by half a meter in most places around the world by 2100! This will impact the global coastlines in a way never before seen. Erosion will occur that will drastically change beaches and coastal development. Floods will occur more frequently in low lying area. Salt water could potentially infiltrate freshwater reservoirs that would stress the freshwater

    Wednesday, September 29, 2010

    Steven.u. 4 2010

    There are some game topic websites that I found on


    I will beggin reserching the differnt game and social issues topics on the website that I linked for you it tells you how you can put and a educational and a world problem into your game and it can help you and give you ideas about what you want to do for you video game.

    My four games there linked. There from the Yahoo website.

    . http://www.christianaid.org.uk/whatwedo/eyewitness/asia/index.aspx

    . http://www.care.org/

    . http://www.childhelpusa.org/

    . http://www.citykids.com/

    My description for the games.

    I pick these website cause they really standout to me and i picked the big help for the continet Asia. They have a big problem with HIV. I picked the care website cause it hepls kid with fitness and to to thing in your community. It helps you with kids self esteam and the fitness. I picked the children for the usa cause it helps the poverty in america for the children. It also helps kid relize that you should be greatful for what you have. The city kids help you with kids giving back to the community and with self esteam.

    The four games linked.There from the WIKI.









    My description for the games.

    I pick these games cause they all have meaning that have similarieties and they all have to do with the care and helping of people. They all have a spark that says something deep to me and they really have to do with the helping the children of the world. The suicide pact is to plan that you may be to die together, or separately and closely at the same time. They also have a suicide dome were people get in a dome shape as there nife and die. The next topic drug abuse. I think that drug abuse is bad to people sometimes they form a drug pact that means that they all get together and do drugs with each other and when they are done they start cutting them sevles. The next topic is child sex abuse i picked this one cause i know somebody that was sexualy abused ans when I herd that I wanted to help them. The other reason is that i want to be the person that can get them over there past. The next topic is teen pregnacy now that subject really gives me a big red flag in my head I want to be the reason to stop teen pregnacy. The next topic is smoking weed and I think that we have the power to make people to stop doing that cause is is bad for that certain body part. The next topic is child abuse i really want to focus on that cause i here alot of child abuse in the usa and mostly in the the thrid world countrys. The last topic is stealing the reason that i picke dthis is because when the people who do pick this they have no reason they know that they are going to caught so why do you do that. First it goes to stealing cookies then money then cars then diamonds so that is my blog.

    Wednesday, September 15, 2010

    Steven.u 3 2010

    1. What are your thoughts now that you have seen this documentary? I feel that George Bush did havea big part in are global diaster but it is are fault to and we as a country can forget about what George Bush did and as a strong country we should come together and makes a difference to save are home which we call Earth.

    2. What do you think about global warming? What I tink about global warming is that it is getting worse by the second cause people are throwing trash ever were and people are releaseing bad gases into to the air and that is not good for are plants and trees and animals.

    3. What does the information you watched make you feel about the world and the global
    warming? The information on the movie really does inform about the earth and what will happen if we keep on destroying are planet. It also makes me feel very scared cause some people dont know what is going to happen.

    4. What can we do as a class or school to prevent the earths global warming and the earths
    climate destruction? I think that as a class we can all meet up at someones house and have a meeting and come with an enviormental group that hepls the earth. As a school we should have a school club and meet after school and talk about having a enviormental group and we acan have a sponsor and the club can be called The green group.

    Thursday, September 9, 2010

    Steven .U. 2 2010

    I have alot of links to v\awsome science games that a educational purpose to the meaning of playing that type of game.Here they are one of the links that take you to a fun awsome science game.

    ...............................................................Science Links.......................................................................................... 1. http://www.energyhog.org/childrens.htm
    2. http://funschool.kaboose.com/formula-fusion/science/index.html
    3. http://www.willyoujoinus.com/energyville
    4. http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/games/

    Those are the links to the awsome fun and educational games that I linked you to.

    Friday, September 3, 2010

    Steven .u 1 2010

    The Koala

    The koala is found in coast of eastern and southern Australia, from near to the southern part of Asia. Populations also extend for considerable distances inland in regions with enough moisture to support suitable weather. The koalas of were largely exterminated during the early part of Australia the 20Th century, but the state has since been repopulated with stock. The koala is not found in west Australia.The difference between a female and a male is that the female has a Mane and the male does not.The males can weigh up to 100 pounds and a female 90.They are herbivores so they only eat plants and grass.When the baby koala turns 1 there a adult.This picture has a mid aged male koala hanging on a tree in southern Australia.Personally I love and adore koala but the ugly ones scare me.

    Image Retrieved


    Tuesday, June 1, 2010

    6th Six Weeks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In tech class this six weeks we learn about posting a video and pictures storys about what we learn.
    We love to learn tech stuff but when I say we I mean the whole class we all like to learn things. To post a picture you have to find the picture that you want and you copy the url and then you go to blogger and you paste it then you go to post a picture and you pick where you want it and you post it. To post a video you go to you tube and pick your video and you copy the url and you go to blogger and paste it and thats all you do that is what I learn in technology class.

    The Globoloria class is were people can express there feelings about a certain topic and make a game in to it.I like tech but it was a little tricky with the flash running very slow.At lease for me.I have learned that when you copy and to make sure that you get the right stuff.And only copy and paste for good reasons.If you copy and paste a code make sure to get all of the code and to make sure to get the right code.I had trouble with all of the assignments except the learning log.Like all of the assignments were hard to keep track of.But I manged to do it.And all of the copy and pasting and making the new layers.That was what tough for me.Some of the Ideas that we come up with. I was thinking that you could explain it more simple cause the stuff that you tech us is kind of too hard to understand it.

    I think that flash is very fun and it is very challenging to me because when I have to put the
    code there is always something that is wrong.The the codes ,and it really confuses me cause I don't know what is wrong with the code.What I learened in flash is that it is to hepl you with your game.I did not know anything when i first strated in flash. WE are trying to save the earth and all aroundthe world.I learned to get info when you need it.
    My paper prototype was about population and it was about how a lemur
    saves his home by going around the rainforest and saving the population
    and saving the trees from getting cut down and saving there habitat from getting destroyed.I did not have fun cause my team mates did not listen that we neened to this and that.Yes i found very hard cause i was trying to explain something and they did not listen but it was my fault to.Yes i do it was hard but it did not pay off.I was fun but hard cause sometimes we did not coroperate.I like that we maed an awsome game and the thing that I did not like was that we did disagree sometimes.I think that we can do it if we can all agree on the same thing. The first level
    is about the lemurs in the rain forest.The second levle is about a fish trying to save its home.The third level is about the polar bear it trying to stop the ice from melting.My teams progress is really starting to imprpove cause we all know each others weakness and there srongress so it hepls us all.

    Monday, April 26, 2010


    The Globoloria class is were people can express there feelings about a certain topic and make a game in to it.I like tech but it was a little tricky with the flash running very slow.At lease for me.I have learned that when you copy and to make sure that you get the right stuff.And only copy and paste for good reasons.If you copy and paste a code make sure to get all of the code and to make sure to get the right code.I had trouble with all of the assignments except the learning log.Like all of the assignments were hard to keep track of.But I manged to do it.And all of the copy and pasting and making the new layers.That was what tough for me.Some of the Ideas that we come up with. I was thinking that you could explain it more simple cause the stuff that you tech us is kind of too hard to understand it.

    Monday, April 19, 2010

    Adding navigation is hard and it is kind of dumb because why cant we just use the other game webing.And it is hard cause it is too much for 6th graders
    cause we bareley know are way around a computer and they want us to work in flash and that is more advanced.I do not like it caus eit is hard and the teacher kind of goes.The defination for flash is a game deising for globlaoria.It stress me out cause i have other home work for other classes and i think about flash and it stresses me out.
    The things that come hard to me in programming in flash it not putting in the codes it is the drawing and the layers and also dealing with the timeline. That is so hard,cause you have to be very percice,cause you have to be on the egzact same number on the timeline.Its small it is hard for me to see some times so that is what messes me up alot . I also love to work in flash those things are my weaknesses in flash.Well we are only kids so it kind messes us up.
    I like tech but it was a little tricky with the flash running very slow.

    Thursday, March 25, 2010

    How I felt About Flash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The things that come hard to me in programming in flash it not putting in the codes it is the drawing and the layers and also dealing with the timeline. That is so hard,cause you have to be very percice,cause you have to be on the egzact same number on the timeline.Its small it is hard for me to see some times so that is what messes me up alot . I also love to work in flash those things are my weaknesses in flash.Well we are only kids so it kind messes us up when they use big word or epect us to do what they say without telling us.So feel maybe they can break it down a noch and use more wods to where we can understand.Im asking for minor changes not big changes.I think that it is important to remember the steps to coding in flash cause this will help us with are game big time.So what we can do to help us remember the stepto coding is mahybe make a song or do some jestures to remind us the steps.I do feel that flash is hard in some ways but not everything is.I think the thing thst I will do to make sure to get tranning is I will sign up for any flash classes in high school or in collage If they have them.I will not give up to know more about flash.When I get older I would like for other kids or maybe adults to ask me how to do flash and then I would know so I will not give up on flash.That does not mean I want to be a flash expert when I grow up. I just want to learn flash.There many distactions in the class.But I do think that does effect how I learn in flash cause the teacher has to stop the entire class just for one pearson who is not on task.For example when a student is acting up and the teacher is talking she will forget what she was going to say so we dont get to know what she was going to tell us that day that she was interupted.So it does distact me sometimes.How they can stop this is to emedeetly take them out no more chances forn them.And I did sayv yed and I just explained to you why I chose yes.So we can definaly change this it is not inpossible.I do not feel that they help us cause we are just watching them we are not actualy doing the assignment.And they dont really explain sometimes they miss a step.Well we can do more assignment on flash instead on the on the wiki and more in flash.Yes it will help me. Cause one day people will ask for my help.Flash The precursor to the Flash application was SmartSketch. So that is it.

    Thursday, February 4, 2010

    Paper Prototype

    My paper prototype was about population and it was about how a lemur
    saves his home by going around the rainforest and saving the population
    and saving the trees from getting cut down and saving there habitat from getting destroyed.I did not have fun cause my team mates did not listen that we neened to this and that.Yes i found very hard cause i was trying to explain something and they did not listen but it was my fault to.Yes i do it was hard but it did not pay off.I was fun but hard cause sometimes we did not coroperate.I like that we maed an awsome game and the thing that I did not like was that we did disagree sometimes.I think that we can do it if we can all agree on the same thing.

    Tuesday, January 12, 2010