What I'm going to do for my Christmas break is go to my home town.In Gonzalez we are going to see all my family and we play board games that well be on Christmas day. But on Christmas eves we will go to grandmas. We usually stay there till Christmas then we go home stay home and open are present with are own family's.My grand parents have five children The first child is my Tia Steph then my mom they are Irish twins.Then my Tia Audrey then my Tio oppy that is his nickname his real name is Henry Pena and they all have last name.Then the last is mt Tia Brittany.My grandparents have 11 grandchildren and we play tag on are play scape that my grandparents have then we have dinner then we watch movies and then we sing songs and the last part is we open presents till mid night.That is it then we all go home.
part 1 one the first day of Christmas my true love came to me.
2favorite classes
3favorite teachers
part 1 one the first day of Christmas my true love came to me.
2favorite classes
3favorite teachers
4course classes
7homework sheets
8pretty girls
9ugly boys
11cute girls
12handsome boys